* That you don't have to fall into the world's trap of immodesty to be considered beautiful. The way a girl chooses to dress is one of the biggest indicators of what is happening inside of her. I absolutely LOVE seeing beautiful girls who choose modesty over "trends". I truly believe that if you choose to be modest, then the Lord really does make you look more beautiful, and that is why all of my girlfriends are such pretty girls.
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Emily Hinkson, Sierra, Claire, Courtney King, Lydia Money, Draya Salcido, Julia (Sister Sanchez), Heather. They're crazy!! Haha
* That happy girls really are the prettiest girls! We all know what it's like to be friends with "Negative Nancy," and that just sucks the life out of everything and everyone. It is so refreshing being around girls who can maintain a happy and positive demenor despite of the kind of day they may be having. It makes it SO much easier for me to be happy all the time when I'm surrounded by such happy girls!
I love her so much. Best friends forever.
SO, so, so much. :)
*Along with being happy, that so much of being a woman is about how you treat other people. I think about my mom everyday and I'm still amazed that in my 22 years of life, I have never heard her utter a negative word about another person- EVER. These girls in LDC are not perfect, but they come pretty dang close when it comes to how they treat people! Choosing NOT to gossip is one of the most femininie and beautiful things you could ever do. That has been my #1 biggest goal as of late, is the way that I treat others, which in large part is defiend by what you say about others when they aren't there. Ladies, thank you SO much for your constant examples of being genuinely kind to every person and to me. You treat others so well and you are all truly living up to Pres. Ucthdorf's latest challenging of "Stopping," the gossip and negativity. Every single one of you!
Lauren Anderson, Kenna Smith
Meredith Rogers. This girl has one of the BIGGEST and most loving hearts I've ever experienced. No wonder why she was chosen to play Mary in "Savior of the World," this past Christmas. :)
* That purity and virtue, and love just might be the 3 defining characteristics of womanhood. I wish I could elaborate more on this, but watching your examples of these 3 attributes over the years has been nothing short of inspiring. I wish I could thank you for your constant examples of integrity and love.
Sister Teddy Wright. Currently serving her mission in Hawaii!
Heather, Julia, Sierra, Draya, Claire, some crazy pioneer, Emily Hinkson
Heather Esplin. Another one of my very best best friends for eternity. I love you so much.
Amy Alder! Such a great girl.
Sierra, Lauren Merrill
Laruen Anderson and Emily Bennett
Sierr, Natalie Haight, Kenna Smith, Lauren, Brianna Call, Sarah Flinders
Please excuse Sister Sanch. and her offensive face. Lol.
LADIES. All of you. Pictured or not pictured. I hope you know how much I love each and every one of you. I will never ever forget you and I will be forever grateful for the profound impact you've had on me. Thank you so much for "rising to our Savior's call," and choosing to be women of God and not women of the world. I'm hoping to be at your level some day. I love you all so very much.