Hi, remember me? This is a picture of what my life has looked like the last month. :)
This is actually my name now, not Allie. They made me change it.... (who's they??) Thanksgiving break literally CANNOT come fast enough.
You know you've taken busy to a new level when the only sleep you get for 36 hours is a 45 minute nap in your car inbetween classes....
We had to put my perfect dog, Sadie, to sleep on Thursday. Heartbroken. Don't even know how it's possible to keep producing tears, but it will hit me at the most random times and I'll burst into tears. I was "that girl" who was sobbing at school on Thursday and no one knew why... We've had her since I was 7. She was 15 and was my perfect, best BEST friend. I can't even begin to describe how much I miss her, but my parents did the right thing by putting her down. I know she'll be the fastest one to greet me when i get to Heaven. :)
Life is good peeps, life is good. :)