Sunday, January 1, 2012


This holiday season has truly been pretty perfect! Being home, relaxing, not stressing about school for a couple of weeks, family, family & more family, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, going to the cabin for 3 days, reading, an EPIC New Years Eve, friends, and the Holiday spirit. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas break!

Well, for those who don't know me well, one of my biggest passions in life is learning about and teaching about nutrition, fitness and overall health. I love it so much that I'm majoring in Health, I plan on teaching high school health and possibly college health courses and I also have a dream of becoming a Life Coach, and that dream is slowly but surely starting to come true! Over the summer I miraculously (literally) met a person who has been turning my dreams of Life Coaching into a reality. I know with all of my heart that our Heavenly Father put him into my life for a purpose....

So, that being said my blog will be going through some changes for the next while. I still will write about my personal life, but I really want to focus on making this a health- centered blog! I'll give some tips & tricks, facts & info about nutrition, fitness, mental health, emotional health and spiritual health. I hope you all stick around through the changes and enjoy reading!


first health post is coming!

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