Monday, January 2, 2012

Goal Setting

Wasn't 2011 such an amazing year?? I know it was the hardest & BEST year of my life! I can't imagine this next year being better than this one, but guess what? It's totally possible! It's possible by setting and working towards goals that you're passionate about!

Before I blab on about goal setting, I just want to make it clear that I'm no expert here; I'm just a 22 year old girl and these are just my thoughts on the matter. :) So here are my thoughts on goal setting!

1. WRITE YOUR GOALS DOWN!! This is the second most important thing to remember when setting goals. Write them down several times and put them in several different places where you will see them throughout the day (your planner, mirror, desk, fridge, etc.) If you're not even going to bother writing your goals down, you might as well not even set any.... that is how important writing them down is!

2. Set small, realistic goals that will help you achieve your ultimate goal.

3. Make sure your goals are specific and that they have a dead line. Rather than setting a huge, broad goal like, "I want to lose 20 pounds," say, "I want to lose 5 pounds the month of January." You're much more likely to achieve that goal rather than the first one.

4. Achieving your small, realistic goals is the absolute best motivation for you to reach your big goal.

5. Consistency and dedication is the key to success. Remind yourself all the time of what your goals are and why they are important to you. That way it will be easier for you to stay strong when you're tempted.

6. Most importantly, remember to be prayerful and to keep our Heavenly Father involved in this whole process. We are His literal children and more than anything else, He wants us each to be individually happy and healthy. Pray about this and pray for your success on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. All you have to do is pray and ask Him for His help and I promise you, He will help and bless you. I know He will because I've experienced it in my life. HE is the ultimate key to success!

Happy New Year! 2012 is going to be EPIC!


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