Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bet you didn't know....

* Bet you didn't know... that I have never seen any of the following movies: Indiana Jones, Jurrasic Park, ET, Star Wars.... And a whole huge list of movies.. Maybe I'll have the desire to see them one day.

* Bet you didn't know... that I cannot even open my bedroom door in the morning unless my bed is made. I HAVE to make it every single day no matter what, even if it makes me late!!!!

* Bet you didn't know... that I have lived in Utah Valley for 4 years now and I have never been booted or towed (KNOCK ON WOOD!!)

* Bet you didn't know... that coconut is my absolute faaaaaaavvvvorite flavor ever in the whole world!

* Bet you didn't know... that Carrie Underwood is now tied with Rachel McAdams for my #1 girl crush..

* Bet you didn't know... that I envy people who can draw. It's an amazing talent that I absolutely do not have!

* Bet you didn't know... that I have a pathetic HATE for loose hair/ hair-balls. Hate them!

* Bet you didn't know... that I have an equally strong hate for The Carpenters/ Karen Carpenters voice. I have the same reaction to seeing a big hair-ball on the floor as I do when I hear her voice singing... "Merry Christmas, darling...." BARF.

* Bet you didn't know... that I LOVE Phil Collins!! I could listen to him all day! (This is what happens when you grow up listening to classic rock!)

* Bet you didn't know... that when I get super tired and it's late, I become dyslexic in speaking.... I mix words up and say them backwards. It's weird! ahah

* Bet you didn't know... that when I get scared, like if someone hides then jumps out and screams at me, my immediate and instinctive reaction is to SCREAM bloody murder and collapse straight on the floor!! Every. Single. Time. I end up straight on the floor!

* Bet you didn't know... that a couple of weeks ago, me and my 2 roomates were up talking for a looooong time. We finally looked at the clock, and it was 6:00 am!!! Thank goodness we didn't have school the next day! lol.

It feels like spring outside, and life is SO great!


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