1. What in the world happened to this semester?? I am beside myself that there are 2 weeks left of this semester…. 2 weeks!! This was such an awesome semester, for sure my favorite semester I’ve ever had.
2. It’s just disgusting how busy I am. I was organizing my life for the next 3 weeks in my planner and calendar on Sunday and when I was done I just looked at it and burst into laughter! Lets hope I come out of the next 3 weeks in one piece. :/ haha
3. K, even though I am so busy and I have so much going on in my life, I promise I have never been this happy and I’ve never had so much fun in my life! I am so incredibly blessed and I don’t know why I am. I have been blessed with so many amazing and unique opportunities this year that I will never get again and that so many people would kill to have. Monday’s are a little crazy for me, especially yesterday. I had an institute council meeting at 7:00 am, class, break, class (got cancelled) so I went back to the institute to start doing stuff for our Christmas show. Then I had another institute meeting for the Christmas show, then LDC, then I had another music committee meeting right after. As I was walking down to my last meeting, I groaned so loud and said “uggggggghhhhh, I’m SO SICK of meetings!” But while I was in the meeting, I kept of thinking “I love this so much. There is nothing I would rather be doing with my time! Why in the heck was I complaining? So many people would kill to have the opportunities that I’ve been blessed with.” I only have one more semester left of LDC and institute council, so even if I feel like I’m drowning in business and I feel like I should just pack my stuff up and move into the institute building, I’ll remember that I AM SO BLESSED. I want to show my Heavenly Father how GRATEFUL I am for these blessings by being 100% invested in my callings and by not complaining when things get busy.

4. I love my roommates! We decorated our apartment for Christmas last night and it was so fun! We gathered extra decorations from our parents houses so everything is mis-matched or from the dollar store… hahahaaha. Oh, it’s so special. We named it Factory Christmas Reject. I need to take some pictures. But it does feel magical and festive in our home!
5. I love Sierra Ainge. She is one of my best friends and one of my favorite people in the world. I love talking with her and she is such an incredible friend to me and I love and appreciate her so much. I know she is someone that will be in my life forev. J “you look pretty…..” haha

6. October 28 I watched one of my dearest friends, Emily Smith (now Bennett) marry another one of my good friends Robert Bennett! It was such a special day! They met in LDC and we spent the last 2 years in choir together. I love them so much and they’ve both had such a positive influence in my life, especially Emily. I was lucky enough to be one of her bridesmaids so I got to spend the whole day with them. Incredible. They walked out of the Temple exploding with love! I just know that the Lord has BIG things in store for them because they are such a power couple. She looked stunning. Stunning! She is like the most perfectly feminine woman I think I’ve ever met, and I drool over her PERFECT style every time I see her and her whole wedding was no exception! Her dress. The bridesmaids & groomsmen outfits. The decorations. The reception. The fact that Rob & Em, and all the bridesmaids & groomsmen surprised everyone at the reception by singing “You and I,” by Ingrid Michaelson. It was a hit! Their first dance made me cry. Seeing how pure and powerful their love for each other was gave me so much hope in finding true love! They are so perfect for each other and they solitified to me that our Heavenly Father WANTS us to find that perfect person for us and that He DOES help guide us to that person at the right time. Emily, thank you so much for letting me be part of your perfect day. I am so grateful for your friendship and for the amazing example you have set for me. I truly want to be just like you when I grow up. J I love you so much!

so so fun!
isn't she so gorgeous?!
Love the vintage feel of the whole wedding!
this is when I yelled "k super dramatic girl laughing picture!"
THEE happiest couple I know!
magical. :)
Christmas is SO soon, and life is wonderful peeps. :)